Orban 1985
Dundabarra 2001
Desert Shape 1982
Vanishing Light 1997
Transition 2002
The Fallen Warrior 2002
Guilded Secret 2002
Desert Night Fall 2002
Revelation 2002
Striving For The Light 2003
Museum of Fine Art, Budapest
The Prophet 2002
The Tower 2002
Dawn, Rainbow Valley 2002
Yellow Sky, Organic Weathering 2002
Desert Night 1985
Pedestal 1985
Rock Wall 1993
Red Canyon 2001
Approaching the Caves 2000
Sentinels 2001
Orange Circumvision 1985
Divided Beach 2000
White Ridge 1988
Sandstone Cave 2000
Storm Over Rainbow Valley 1996
Go With The Flow 1996
Like A River 1997
Entrance Rainbow Valley 1997
Towards The Light 1999
Last Light 1998
Circumvision 1997
Omen 3 1982
Omen 2 1982
Dr Cardamatis 1952
Marea Gazzard 1987